Harmony Blooms

Springtime Sound Bath








Harmony Blooms: Spring Serenade Sound Bath Experience

Celebrate the season of renewal with ‘Harmony Blooms,’ a transcendent journey of sound and vibrational healing. Immerse yourself in the soothing resonance of quartz crystal bowls, gentle chimes, profound gongs, and timeless Tibetan bowls. Join us for a rejuvenating Spring Serenade that harmonizes mind, body, and spirit, inviting relaxation, introspection, and connection.

jenn steffen sound healing in Rochester, NY
Harmony Blooms Springtime Sound bath

Your central nervous system will thank you for allowing it

some time to rest while you completely relax and get recharged!

What to Expect:

– A serene atmosphere surrounded by the blossoming energy of spring.

– Guided meditation to center your thoughts and intentions for the season.

– Harmonic frequencies from quartz crystal sound bowls, chimes, gongs, and Tibetan bowls.

– Deep relaxation and rejuvenation for a sense of overall well-being.

– ​Personal Himalayan Sound Healing Bowls ON the body for deep vibrational relaxation

– ​Individual Grounding at the end of the Sound Bath

This event is open to everyone, whether you’re a seasoned sound bath enthusiast or a curious newcomer. Come as you are and let the sounds of spring guide you on a journey of inner peace and renewal.

Reserve your spot now and embrace the beauty of spring with “Harmony Blooms” – where the magic of sound meets the awakening of nature. Let the vibrations of the season elevate your spirit and inspire a harmonious start to spring.

Date and Time

Sunday April 7, 2024

7:00 PM EDT


Rising Spirit

7167 Carscadden Road, Orono, ON

“There’s no organ system in the body that’s not affected by Sound, Music, & Vibration. You can look at disease as a form of disharmony.”

~ Mitchell Gaynor

What to Bring

Yoga Mat


What to Wear

Super comfortable clothes